Monday, October 22, 2012


In our experiment we tested whether tempature affected how enzymes work. Our hypothesis was that it would affect the enzymes. To do this we heated one potato in boiling water for two minutes  one in ice water for two minutes, and one we did nothing to. We then put then in test tube and poured 7 cm of hydrogen peroxide on them and waited for two minutes. After the two minutes we measured the foam. On the one that was in nothing the foam measured 3 cm  the one that was in ice water the foam was 1/2 cm, and the one that was in the boiling water did not foam at all. This showed that our hypothesis was correct. In the future we could be more exact in all of our measurements. This can be applied to real world situations in the way that your body changes tempature when you are sick and that can affect how the enzymes in your body work.

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