Monday, February 4, 2013

January Plot

As we walked onto the plot for the first time in around 2 months we noticed that our plot was very different. Even more of the baby trees had disappeared, but the young pines had grown. Due to the fact that it was a VERY rainy day the ground was wet and there were puddles every where, the temperature of the soil to be low.The leaf litter height has grow, but the pH has stayed the same from the last time we were there.  While we were at the plot we noticed that the 2 different kinds of mosses were still thriving as well as many ferns. We also notices some foam at the base of one of our trees; could this be from the rain or maybe an insect? In one of the grown trees on our plot there was a hole in which it seemed some type of fungus was growing, but we were unable to reach it. One thing that we found that was particularly interesting was a chirping sound coming from under some leaves. We were unable to find any birds but think it might have been a hidden nest. We also found a frog that Simi caught; it was dark green/brown and was probably a result of the rain. I look forward to seeing once again how this plot has changed, but hopefully in dry weather.